Friday, September 14, 2018

Two-Column Vocabulary Notes

One of the benefits to Keys to Literacy is consistency across assignments and classes. My co-teacher and I don't need to create a different notes sheet for every lesson; we can use generic two-column notes handouts or have students create their own.

Our freshmen are introduced to new vocabulary words through videos that they take notes on. They take notes using a two-column format: the word and image are on the left; the definition and an example are on the right.

In giving students a consistent note-taking format (a major KTL goal!), we can help students focus on the quality of their notes instead of the format. We are trying to teach our students to record the short phrases and helpful hints that will be most useful to them. Later in the year, for some or all students, we will likely stop distributing charts and give students more freedom to set up their own notes.

Here is a link to the full template for these vocabulary notes.

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